One of the top priorities for many divorcing individuals is making sure they walk away with the assets that matter to them most. In Arizona, property division in a divorce follows specific guidelines based on whether the property counts as community or separate...
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Property Division
Do you have to sell your marital home in an Arizona divorce?
When divorcing, you must address what to do with your marital home. Arizona is a community property state, requiring spouses to divide all marital assets fairly. That usually (but not always) means 50/50. Since it is impossible to cut your house in half, you must...
Divorce and your retirement savings
Property division can be a particularly stressful part of a divorce. You have spent years building a life, buying a home and saving for the future, and dividing this property will leave you with fewer resources. This is especially true of your retirement savings, and...
Things to know about Arizona property division laws
Arizona is known for its low housing costs, great public transportation systems and ample employment opportunities. These are often among the top reasons many married couples choose to settle here and raise their families. Of course, not every marriage lasts a...
Deciding what to do with the marital home during a divorce
One of the toughest conversations Arizona couples have to have when they go through a divorce has to do with what will happen to the family home. Besides the fact that it is likely one of their largest assets, there are emotions and memories connected to the home....
Options for dividing a home in a divorce
Arizona residents and others who are going through the divorce process may need to figure out how to divide the marital home. A home can be divided in a variety of different ways, and one option may be to sell it and split the proceeds. If this happens, it may be...
Tips for completing a financial affidavit in an Arizona divorce
The legal documents you must complete and sign during a divorce can be overwhelming to many people who are unfamiliar with the legal process and language. Mistakes or oversights when filling out financial documents can have negative repercussions down the road.For...
With more marital assets comes more complications in divorce
Every divorce presents complications, like a difficult child custody situation or just a lot of bitterness between the parties. High-asset divorces are no different, except they include unique challenges, especially concerning division of marital assets. Below, we...
How to divide collectibles, collections in a divorce
Dividing assets in any divorce can become problematic. Spouses often disagree about what should be shared in the first place, and may also quarrel over how to divide complex property, such as an investment plan, real estate, or a business. But difficulties can also...
Do I have any separate assets?
In most divorces, parties can expect to divide their assets between them as part of the property division process. And with some exception, parties can expect this division to be equal.However, separate property is typically not eligible for division, meaning that it...