Some of the collateral damage of domestic violence is the abuse that the beloved pets of the victims suffer. But the Phoenix courts have begun recognizing a link between animal abuse and domestic violence. Some courts are extending the orders of protection they give...
Serving With Skill And Compassion
Month: January 2018
Understanding modern spousal support awards in Arizona
For many years, spousal support was an important part of divorce, focused on helping two spouses divorce fairly without one party or the other entering financial ruin in the process. In many cases, only one spouse was the primary breadwinner in a home while the other...
Could a wife’s larger paycheck lead to divorce?
Married women who have children have increasingly begun to outpace their male spouses as primary breadwinners for the family. In 2011, 23 percent of the wives in those families earned more than their husbands.When people find themselves in nontradtional gender roles...
Embryo adoption is another way to be a parent
Couples who have trouble conceiving children on their own often are open to adoption. But adoption has its own problems, as the biological mother can always change her mind and keep the baby.One couple in another state found a different solution to their nine-year...