In Arizona, parents often share parenting time and obligations after a divorce. Research has consistently shown that children benefit most from lack of conflict, regardless of the parenting time schedule.This can be difficult, though, especially if you are...
Serving With Skill And Compassion
Month: July 2018
How to establish paternity in Arizona
In a previous post, we discussed a few reasons why it is important to legally establish paternity if you are unmarried or unsure of a child's parentage. Among those reasons were the right to pursue child support, the right to request custody, and information about a...
Why it can be wise to establish paternity
Too many people associate paternity and parentage issues with scandalous day time television. However, these cases can affect people from all backgrounds, and they aren't always as dramatic as people expect. As such, parents and other adults with concerns about...
12 things you shouldn’t say during divorce
We have written numerous blogs discussing some of the things people should or should not do during a divorce. However, it's not just about what people do while getting divorced that affects the outcome; what they say can have an impact as well.Below are some examples...
Non-physical ways abusers can violate a restraining order
After enduring the time with your abusive spouse, you finally have an Order of Protection to hopefully prevent anymore incidents with your ex. Thanks to this document, your ex is not allowed to come near you or make any attempts to contact you, otherwise they will be...
Approaching divorce as a victim of domestic violence
Divorce can be difficult for any person, but if you are the victim of domestic violence or abuse, you could be particularly fearful about the process. Will you be safe? Will you have to sit in a room with your spouse and have to negotiate a settlement? How will you be...
How does property division work in an Arizona divorce?
One of the top concerns people have during a divorce is how their assets will be divided. Spouses can be angry and distrustful; many feel scared about what their financial situation will look like after divorce. As such, the division of assets can be one of the most...
Don’t forget to take these 4 digital precautions during divorce
Divorce can be a highly complex, confusing process. Even the most amicable and seemingly simple divorces have numerous elements that demand resolution. And in fact, the amount of details and decisions that go into a divorce can be surprising -- and overwhelming.As...