While parents are navigating the legal complexities of establishing legal decision-making, parenting time, and financial support for their children, they must also help those children navigate the complexities of a changing family structure. This can be a challenge,...
Serving With Skill And Compassion
Month: October 2018
Victims of financial abuse: protecting yourself during divorce
Millions of people suffer abuse at the hands of an intimate partner every year. And this abuse can make it difficult to even consider the possibility of leaving the relationship. This can be particularly true for someone who is the victim of financial abuse.Financial...
Do I have any separate assets?
In most divorces, parties can expect to divide their assets between them as part of the property division process. And with some exception, parties can expect this division to be equal.However, separate property is typically not eligible for division, meaning that it...
Ways to make co-parenting work after divorce
If you are considering a divorce, it is normal to wonder how co-parenting duties will work once you are living separately from your ex-spouse. While there may not be an exact way to set-up co-parenting duties, there are ways to create an environment that is healthy...
Is it always best to play nice during a divorce?
Divorce often puts people in uncomfortable positions. Many people feel angry and frustrated, but also want to avoid bitter courtroom battles and get through the process as quickly as possible. This can make some people feel like they must play nice and be agreeable...
Taking a stand against domestic violence this month
Did you know that October is recognized as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month? All month long, people across the country are urged to discuss the topic of domestic violence and take steps to stop and prevent it.An estimated 75 percent of people know someone...
Four mistakes that could ruin a prenuptial agreement (PNA)
Prenuptial agreements (PNAs) are growing increasingly common for couples preparing to marry. These agreements aren't reserved for high-profile or affluent people; they are valuable tools that can protect the assets and interests of any individual.If you are interested...
3 time-related mistakes to avoid during your divorce
There is a lot to do and think about when navigating the family court process. People are often figuring out their finances, living situation, and parenting schedules - not to mention coping with the difficult emotions.Staying organized can be particularly...