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Benefits of family therapy

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2019 | Uncategorized |

Every family has its problems, and each family has its way of solving those problems. However, most families would benefit from learning a few techniques for addressing their concerns while deepening connections with loved ones.

Luckily, Arizona hosts a variety of family therapy options where relatives work together to build up their relationships and learn from one another.

What is family therapy?

According to the Mayo Clinic, family therapy is a type of counseling that is designed to “help family members improve communication and resolve conflicts.” While family therapy is short term, it allows all family members to participate in addressing specific problems and deepen connections through stressful times.

Several family members attend sessions with a psychologist, social worker or licensed therapist. The therapist often leads the meeting to address specific issues and allows each relative to express their thoughts or emotions.

Families also explore their role in the unit and how they can contribute to solving problems in the home. Each person will see their strengths and weaknesses come out during these sessions and learn techniques to highlight their strengths in the family.

When should families consider therapy?

There are specific circumstances when therapy is the most effective option. Treatment may help concerns such as:

  • Divorce
  • Death of a loved one
  • Depression
  • Substance abuse
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Major behavioral problems in children or adolescents

Families who are struggling with everyday concerns may also benefit from a few sessions with a therapist. You do not have to be facing a life or death situation to seek help from a professional, especially when it comes to family.

What should I expect from family therapy?

Families cannot expect all their problems to be solved in a single session. It takes time to resolve a situation and identify any future weaknesses in your family. But people can expect to learn ways to address future problems, coping mechanisms and skills to connect with their relatives.